Libur Hampir Tiba, Main Dulu Yuk!
Berakhirnya Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) merupakan salah satu momen yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh setiap pelajar tak terkecuali siswa-siswa SMAN 10 Malang (Leadership Academy). Dengan berakhirnya UAS maka berarti akan semakin dekat pula menuju liburan panjang dan pulang ke kampung halaman.
The ending of Final Term Test is one of the moment that has been waited by every student including SMAN 10 Malang Leadership Academy students. By the end of final test, it means that its also closer to the long holiday and going home.
Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, setiap akhir semester akan diadakan classmeeting untuk menyegarkan otak dan mempererat persaudaraan. Acar ini dilakukan pada hari Senin, 14 Desember 2015 hingga Kamis, 17 Desember 2015.Beberapa lomba meliputi futsal, bola tangan, 4K, dan cover dance serta beberapa workshop sudah disiapkan dengan baik oleh panitia classmeeting kali ini. Namun ternyata ada sedikit perubahan kali ini. Karena ada beberapa perbaikan nilai dan pemenuhan tuga makan untuk classmeeting hari pertama dan kedua hanya diisi wworkshop dan sosialisasi.
Just like years before, at the end of term there will be classmeeting for refreshing and streghten the solidarity. This event was being held on Monday, 14 of December 2015 until Thursday, 17yh of Desember 2015. Some competition was being heldlike soccer, “bola tangan”, 4K and cover dance and also some workshop has been preparedwell by the committee. But there was some changes due to the score and tas completement so the fist and second day aof classmeeting there were only workshop and socialization.
Dihari kedua dan ketiga classmeeting demeriahkan oleh adanya bazar dari kelas 11 sebagi salah satu pemenuhan tugas kewirausahaan. Dihari ketiga ada pertandingan futsal, bola tangan, serta 4K yang berlangsung hingga hari selanjutnya ditambah dengan lomba cover dance dan penampilan video Catatan Akhir Semester tiap kelas yang sudah dikumpulkan ke panitia.
On the second and third day od classmeeting there was bazaar from the 11th grader to fulfill the entrepreneurship task. On the third day there were soccer, bola tangan, and 4K untuil the next day and was also followed by the cover dance competition and Catatan Akhir Sekolah video competition showing that had been handed to the committe.
Pada hari Jum’at, 20 Desember 2015, pemenang setiap lomba diumumkan saat apel pagi. Classmeeting kali ini ternyata cukup diminati oleh setiap siswa dan membawa kesan tersendiri. Semoga dikesempatan selanjutnya, classmeeting dapat berjalan lebih baik lagi.(dir)
On Friday, 20th of December 2015, the winner of each competition was announced on the morning assembly. This classmeeting hasbeen well held and brough a good impression. We hope that the classmeeting could be held better. (dir)