“Nissa Ilma Mukti, The 1st Winner of Speech Contest Competition”
Nissa Ilma Mukti ( Icha ) Kelas XI IPS 3, Juara I Lomba Pidato Bahasa Inggris Se-Jawa Bali ASEC 2009,
diselenggarakan di Politeknik Negeri Malang pada hari Sabtu tanggal 7 Nopember 2009 di Gedung AD Lantai 1
Ruang TM 3 Jurusan Akuntansi.
“On the 7th Nov 2009, on Saturday, Politeknik State of Malang held an “Accounting Skills and English Speech
Contest” competition for Java-Bali ASEC 2009. This competition starting from 06.00 in the morning until 06.00
in the afternoon. This competition is dedicated for students who are still in Senior High School and Vocational
High School that comes from Java and Bali. This competition consists of Accounting Skill and Speech contest.
The contestant for speech contest, Senior High School 10 Malang also join it which is being represent by 5 student
who were : Ana, Nissa, Aisyah, Nadya, and Dhea. Speech Contest is being divided in 3 sections with the theme of
Nature And Social, which are Thermin I, II, III, and Final.
Thermin… Since there are 19 people, the contestant are being grouped into two groups. Group A and Group B.
At Thermin I, group A is being placed is the ED Block. In Thermin II, group A and B changes corridor.
From there, the judges than choose 10 people to go to Thermin III, and Senior High School 10 Malang got the
highest score represented by Nissa “Icha” Ilma Mukti with the score of 284. Other than that, there are also
3 people from Senior High School 10 Malang who also got in the Thermin III, who are Ana, Aisyah, and Dhea.
However, the person from Senior High School 10 Malang who is being chosel to go to the final round is Nissa with
again “The Highest Score” over 5 people in the final round. Nissa have to beat 4 people from Santa Yoseph Malang,
who were a very difficult people to beat because of the smartness. However, the good news is that Nissa from
Senior High School 10 Malang, have become the First Winner of The Competition” Said Icha.