BLH Karangasem, Bali Visit SMANDASA
Friday (21/10), 45 guests were come from Karangasem, Bali to SMAN 10 Malang (Sampoerna Academy). The purpose of the visit itself, is to observe SMAN 10 Malang which well known as Adiwiyata Mandiri school. Moreover, these visit, fortunately, on the same date as the 12th anniversary of SMAN 10 Malang, which actually one day before or 20th of October. Those guests really excited on learn about SMANDASA themselves.
Those guests, leaded by Ir. Komang Kasmanan as the secretary of BLH ( Badan Lingkungan Hidup) Karangasem region, consist of the principals of pre- Adiwiyata member, Head of UTD Mangis, BLH staff, Dinas Pertamanan and Dinas Pendidikan and Olahraga. As they came to school, they went to the library as Mr Yudi Fahmin as the Head of Marcom and Ms. Endang as the representative of student service gave presentation about SMAN 10 Malang ( Sampoerna Academy ) especially about school’s programs and management.
They gave good appreciation on the presentation and the result was awesome. They gave a lot of beneficial feedback to Ms. Endang Setyoningsih. “We want to contribute more on the conservation of nature as it happened here (SMAN 10 Malang) into whole schools in Karangasem, Bali “ Mr. Ir Komang Asmanan stated on the Friday interview.
After the presentation successfully held, guests were asked to have a school touring with the guides. Starts from vegetables triggers, one of the GEC triggers, Composting House, canteen, until the UKS were observed. Out of the programs and observation, many students also being observed on that time. Most of them are asking about the scholarship of Sampoerna Academy, and they are really fascinated in finding out.
Moreover, guests came back towards library after long journey of tour. The asking question sessions about SMANDASA, and gift were given as the closing agenda. At 11.00, guides which have been 2 days touring around Java especially Malang, went back Bali. Guests hopes that after the visits that they have made, conservation of nature will be encouraged more and more. Long live nature! (Pusakha)